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The Eternal Garment of the Stars...

Updated: Apr 2, 2023

My child, yours is an unfathomable grace. You have at your disposition an unbreakable connection with your divine heritage. It is only through gross manipulation of your senses that cause you to lose your footing. Stay vigilant in these trying times for beings who would sway you would attempt to bend your path to serve a fabricated agenda.

The longing beckons the plentitude of solar forces which surround and permeate this earth. The rectification of the disposition of men can only be done through the liberation of these forces. What that means is that all sinister forces holding them in sway must be met and opposed within the arena of the heart.

Until that last rose falls in the final stage of the play, there will always be hope.

When the trying times arise within experience you shall remember that you are only being tested on the resilience of your heart. All whom dare to love, dare to break the shackles of illusion and serve to reveal the grand manipulation of primordial consciousness.

When the longing takes a somber tone and devestation is the chorus of the day you shall only surrender to my grace. For within the golden chalice of longing one shall find that the eternal flow of love is not something a being can ever hold nor control. It is but the flow and cooperation of forces which all work within the arena of love that make this play a masterpiece.

When you cooperate with your loving tendencies, when you release them from the dictatorship of the mind, when you instill in yourself a resiliency to reorient again and again towards grace and surrender... then my child you don the eternal garment of the stars and your limits are no longer contained to the sphere of Earth. You become an immortal child born of the sun and you graduate from Earth into a supra-natural consciousness.

~ Arkana Rose


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