Prepare for my coming, with the firery sword of truth. Herald the new beginnings with text and spoken word. Finalize the preparation necessary to evaporate the salt water solution of the broken bond.
The brotherhoods complain of wounds born of ruptured trust resting on residual clouds of condemnation.
Part the way for the restoration of the river that flow back the honor needed to pit each man against his own moral code.
Rescind the ineptitude of the harkened star of sworn secrecy to a dimly lit candle of bureaucratical worship and deceit.
Return to the stable of the the lion child born of fuscia fire and amidst the belonging of the wind whisperer. She who breathes life into all of existence.
Work with me to reinvigorate the love codes set in the cosmic stone of destiny.
Inscribe on them if you will, the coding for tomorrow's wreath of aspen.
Do not falter when the many horned buck visits you in the forest, for he will appoint you with the necessary tool of inscription.
Be wise like the owl, bright like the morning star, sweet as the rose, and as poignant as a newly sharpened ax.
~Yeshua Returns ~"The Pristine Belonging"